Ferals and Kittens and Cats Oh My is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Our mission is to address the stray, abandoned, unwanted companion and feral cat dilemma in the city of Rochester, NY and to put an end to needless euthanasia because of shelter over population. We work in coordination with clinics to spay and neuter feral cats in order to reduce the feral cat population. We work with shelters and rescue groups to help find homes for kittens, abandoned friendlies and injured cats. We are also advocates for the city cats and refer city residents to resources to spay/neuter their pets.
We are also colony caregivers
This video chronicles a typical day of feeding over 22 colonies.
They are the faces of abandoned and homeless cats. At one time some were pets in loving homes. Others are a product of neglect, not of their own fault, but due to human’s lack of spay and neuter.
There are female cats that have been on the streets for years having litter after litter. Some have even populated an entire block! During mating season many unspayed females are attacked by multiple males.
These cats live in abandoned houses, under porches, in bushes or wherever they can find to get away from the city dangers, both humans and animals alike.
They spend their days roaming for food and often times fighting off others for it. They eat out of dumpsters, garbage cans anywhere they can find food. They also have to fight off raccoons, rats and the like for food. Many are emaciated because they cannot find food or are too weak to look.
There are cats that have been shot at, covered in cement and glue, had rocks thrown at them, choked, put in garbage bags and other more horrific stories that I do not want to mention.
There are pregnant cats giving birth in drainage ditches, behind dumpsters and in old tires. Many of these kittens are born with infections, eye problems and other diseases. Mom often times has problems getting food so many kittens do not make it. The ones that do make it often go on to live a horrible existence.
THIS CYCLE NEEDS TO STOP! The answer is spay/neuter, TNVR and colony caretakers.
I feed at over 22 colonies on a daily basis. I TNVR all the cats in my colonies. If I find friendly cats I either admit them to the local shelter or find rescues to take them in. I provide them with food and water daily. I also provide shelters in areas where I get permission and it is not too dangerous.
We need to be an advocate for these cats, without it they do not have a voice.